Workers Compensation insurance is a state-regulated program to replace lost income and medical expenditures resulting from an employee's work-related accident or illness. It also includes services to help the employee recover and return to work. This coverage is required by law in most states.
Each state has a different workers compensation insurance premium, which is determined by a number of criteria, such as:
The number of employees
The nature of their work
Your claims history
Your industry
Classification codes determine insurance rates, assessing the risk associated with jobs and industries. Higher-risk jobs typically incur higher insurance costs. Correctly classifying each employee can help reduce your Workers Compensation policy costs. For instance, an administrative assistant at a construction company will have a lower rate than a construction worker.
At our Insurance Agency, we prioritize your employees' safety and security because they are your business's backbone.
Contact our office immediately to explore your Workers Compensation needs and choices. Alternatively, visit our quotes page to get started.
By securing comprehensive Workers Compensation insurance, you can confidently protect your employees and your business.